
Learn more about the Girls Inc. Strategic Plan 2021-2025

Girls Inc team photo



Susan Stahl                                                         Christian Cull                                                             Connie Leap
Executive Director                                                Program Director                                                    Assistant Program Director
susan@girlsincjc-in.org                                      christian@girlsincjc-in.org                                            connie@girlsincjc-in.org



Emily Cart                                                                                Suzanna Stephens                                                         Scout Odom
Outreach Coordinator                                                      Development Manager                                             Program Specialist
emily@girlsincjc-in.org                                                         suzanna@girlsincjc-in.org                             scout@girlsincjc-in.org


Have a question but not sure who to ask?
Please send all general inquiries to irlsinc.jeffco.in@gmail.com



Our Board of Directors works together with staff to provide the vision and support needed to move the Girls Inc. mission of inspiring all girls to be strong, smart and bold forward. It is their desire that our affiliate serve girls in our community for many generations to come!

Abby Suiter, President

Diamond Harris, Vice President

Devon Sharpe, Treasurer

Susan Craig, Secretary

Dan Baughman, Member

Tim Breeding, Member

Adam Cole, Member

Mary Beth Cullens, Member

Tiffany Lamson, Member

Gary Mouser, Member

Jeff Studds, Member

Stephanie Withered, Member